My Story

Welcome to 199flags,

I’m your 35-year-old American host, Glen.

Before I upgraded my life, I was lost without realizing it. A 14-year addiction to bud took me down a path I’ll never regret, although, by the time I ended that problem, big changes were needed in my life.

One night inside my home, I had the deepest epiphany of my life. It was finally time to start my journey of world travel – a quest I had only previously seen in dreams.

My libido is sky-high round the clock, and there’s nothing I enjoy more than making love with wholesome women. To me, it’s an art form.

After being virtually sexless for years, I realized the problem wasn’t just me; it was my lost desire to meet the women around me. They no longer turned me on, and our energies no longer jibed.

Soon I landed in the Philippines to start my new life.

Over the past five years, I’ve evolved as a man, and even more importantly, a human being. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot about women, myself, the world we live in, and life.

That’s why I enjoy sharing my experiences here on 199 to help others discover themselves and their paths to becoming genuine human beings.

Your Host,