When the creators of Tinder first released the dating app, there’s no way in hell they had any idea just how big it would become. Since its inception, it’s grown to mammoth proportions with millions of users all over the world. Today, I will address the question, Does Tinder work for older guys?
I began using Tinder at age 30 and am now 34.
Over that four-year span, I’ve slept with well over 250 girls scattered across the globe.
Of those girls, I’ve dated several for longer-term relationships while most of the dates fell into the one night stand or hookup category.
My goal here isn’t to brag, but to show men in their 30s or older that Tinder is an absolute goldmine for older men if they play their cards right.
Below, I’ll break down several factors to take into consideration to find success on Tinder as an older man.
How many men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s use Tinder?
According to Statista, 20% of Tinder users are age 35-44 as of January 2018.
8% of users are age 45-54.
4% are age 55-64.
An estimated 50 million people use Tinder worldwide.
My rough math says that around 16 million people who use Tinder are above age 35.
That’s good odds for older men.
How to Be Successful as an Older Guy: Introduction
You already know that Tinder isn’t strictly a playground for young adults who want to hook up.
In fact, these days most girls write “no hookups” in their profiles due to all the guys asking them for sex.
These guys, who consistently fail, ask for sex within the first three messages – sometimes the first.The crazy part is the above method used to actually work in most parts of the world, and still does in a handful of spots.
Believe me, I used to do it all the time.
Well, times have changed.
The influence of westernization and social media has made sex slightly harder to obtain.
But let me tell you, It’s much, much easier for me to get laid in my 30s than it was in my 20s.
Back in my 20s, I had never played the game because I dated two girls, one after another, for almost eight years of my life.
Once I began traveling and meeting exotic women, I discovered a deep passion for women that I didn’t know existed.
The point I’m getting at is that older men shouldn’t shy away from Tinder.
Depending on where you are in the world, you can pick up women in their 20s at age 45 and older.
Moving Right Along…
If you’re an older guy living in a First World country and dealing with the perils of the dark side of feminism, here’s what you need to do:
Abandon ship!
Take the money you have and go somewhere where age doesn’t matter.
I remember a chat I had with my friend’s sister when I was 26; she told me that it was creepy to date an 18-year-old at age 26.
That’s an American mindset.
Go anywhere else in the world, and women don’t care about your age.
In fact, women in a lot of countries prefer experienced older men who can take care of them.
And these women are gorgeous.
I’ll let America and Mexico fight over who has the most obese people in the world while I’m dating slim, sexy Asians, Latinas, or Africans who are over a decade younger than me.
Tips for Older Guys on Tinder
If you stay in shape and are a successful guy, scoring on Tinder should be no problem.
You should have more success than a guy in his 20s who has nothing more to offer than a gym body.
I’m an average-looking guy, and I’ve dated legit Asian and Latina models who would run circles around what I’ve seen in America.
After spending years outside America, the last time I returned I realized how far down the quality drops.
Plus, the attitudes and pretentiousness are insufferable.
If you’re already on Tinder and not finding success, don’t let the women get you down.
How to Create a Successful Profile
If you want to find success on Tinder, there are some basic rules you need to follow or you won’t be successful anywhere in the world.
You need to:
- Have good photos. Most girls will only look at your photos. You need at least three good photos. If you have no experience with online dating, you have almost zero chance of knowing what good photos are. Every guy I’ve ever helped who wasn’t finding success had problems with his photos.
- Make sure girls know that you are successful and can provide. At the same time, you should learn how to weed out the women who are gold diggers.
- Keep your style fresh or at least have an attractive, unique style. Older men can compensate with smooth style. That doesn’t mean you should look at what college kids in your area are wearing and copy them. It means a blazer, fitting jeans, shirt, watch, and nice shoes. Bottom line, style matters. Use your style to attract the type of woman you want.
More Pointers
The first thing you need to do is ignore the haters who tell you that you’re too old for Tinder.
There are unlimited options in this world.
You need to be willing to keep on moving forward until you find success or strike gold.
When you get hung up on a girl or start taking failures personally, you instantly kill your chances.
I’ve scored hundreds of times and failed thousands.
After a while, failures aren’t really failures – more so missed opportunities for the women who didn’t get to meet you.
Just because you’re an older guy doesn’t mean you should lack confidence in the online dating world.
I know guys who are ten years older than me who crush it on Tinder.
It’s all about the energy you put off and the confidence, age should be an afterthought.
Final Thoughts
One final tip is Tinder doesn’t have a rule that requires you to post your real age on your profile.
If you look a few years younger than you are, don’t be afraid to post a younger age.
Even if you don’t look younger than your age, screw it, shave off a few years.
After a while, you’ll realize that age doesn’t matter on Tinder.
I’ve used ages in my 20s up to mid-30s and have had the most success with my real age, 34.
One of the recent girls I dated from Tinder was an 18-year-old Pinay with natural D-cups and a stable job.
I could have been ten years older and still picked her up.
Heck, I could have been 20 years older.
Take care of your health, be confident, and stay motivated.
The results will follow.
If you’re getting crushed on Tinder, I have a limited allotment of time for consultations.
I can coach you one-on-one to show you exactly how to get laid or find a girlfriend on Tinder. One session is enough to get you moving in the right direction
Contact me: oneninenine@199flags.com
Cheers and luck.