Good evening fellas, this article is the first in a short series where I will share real examples of conversations I’ve had with girls on Tinder that have led to scores. In today’s lesson, I’ll teach you the best way to start a conversation on Tinder.
Before I start, I want to share with you a valuable tip that can be applied to almost every aspect of life, especially in business and dating.
One of the keys to success in this world is to keep things simple.
No amount of studying in the world will teach you more than experience.
One golden nugget that basic marketing has taught me is no matter what you think works, you won’t know for sure until you test it.
Through enough trial and error, you’ll find the system that works best for you for the rest of your life.
The quicker you dive in and start testing different methods the sooner you’ll find out what works for you and what doesn’t.
For example, someone could show me exactly how they grow organic bud, and I can go ahead and copy them.
What will happen?
I’ll inevitably fail without their help around the clock because they know all the tiny mistakes that take years to learn.
I’ve been on hundreds, if not over a thousand Tinder dates, and I know what works.
The Biggest Mistake 9 Out of 10 Guys Make
If I went back to when I first started using online dating and Tinder, I’d scoff at the techniques I used to be successful.
Almost everything was overwrought and overthought.
This goes back to keeping it simple.
What’s the mistake?
Elaborate opening lines on Tinder are the mistake.
Talking on Tinder should be normal.
You may get a higher response rate, but what is the quality of your leads?
The types of women who require elaborate opening lines to get their attention aren’t interested in meeting you.
They may chat with you for a few minutes to pass time or for a few laughs, but you’ll most likely never meet them.
In the end, you get your hopes up and waste your time.
This is another massive mistake guys make.
Never ever use online dating apps or Tinder with the expectation that you will score.
My best dates with the hottest girls always just happened.
I didn’t force anything or sit and think of fancy things to say on Tinder.
What to Say to a Girl on Tinder
Keep it simple and natural, the same way you would open a conversation with a girl in real life.
You simply say “Hello,” “Hi,” “How are you today?”
I do recommend staying away from sayings like “What’s up?”
In my experience, women aren’t attracted to bros or guys who attempt to act cool or slick.
That game may work in America, but what’s the quality of the women you’re pulling with that lingo?
Someone you’d want to see more than once?
You can click here to see methods I use to organize my matches while keeping the opening lines simple.
Why Does This Method Work?
When you keep the conversation simple, you’ll get replies from girls who are genuinely interested in you.
You can bet that if she swiped right on you and replied to a simple “Hello” that you have her attention.
I love this approach because it saves me time on Tinder and instantly filters out the chat buddies.
Over time, you’ll stop caring about wasted leads and matches on Tinder, no matter how hot the girl may look on paper.
I’ve unmatched 1000s of girls because I don’t like having matches in my profile that are dead ends.
It’s essential to get into a marketing mindset when you’re on the hunt.
You need to be cutthroat and heartless if you want to be successful on Tinder.
This methodology doesn’t only apply to Tinder hookups either.
This is the same method I use to find short-term or long-term relationships.
The key here is to keep moving forward and have faith that you’ll be dealt a good hand.
The guys who get caught up on dead ends or regret failing with a girl on Tinder are the guys who habitually fail and need to work on their inner game.
The Perks of My Method
The amount of time you’ll save by cutting out the girls who aren’t genuinely interested is the biggest advantage in my opinion.
There’s nothing worse than going through the same script with dozens of girls.
If you get caught in that cycle, you’ll quickly get sick of Tinder or waste hours upon hours talking to too many girls.
These days, I zero in on a few girls who really catch my eye and have replied to a simple greeting.
I find that these conversations progress naturally into dates and scores.
I barely spend any time on Tinder these days.
It’s fun to go on some epic runs when you first get started, but almost every guy will eventually switch to the quality over quantity approach.
Be Careful What You Read
The problem with the dating niche online is there’s a ton of misinformation.
I bet every site that’s marketing a product will tell you good Tinder lines are crucial.
This approach works because they’re targeting novices who don’t know any better.
These guys use the fancy opening lines and maybe even get a few numbers, but they aren’t scoring.
Scoring and getting a girl’s number are two completely different matters.
I don’t get excited in the least when I get a girl’s number.
I’ve almost stopped asking for their numbers and let them give me theirs when they’re ready.
By doing this, I immediately set myself apart from every other guy.
Patience is critical in online dating leading up to the first date.
Tinder Conversation Starter Examples
All three of these matches led to scores with girls who were 18 and 19.
Two of them were virgins; that’s what I call successful Tinder conversations:
Those are boring, so I’ll share one example I used recently to score the Singaporean flag that same night:
The conversation started with hostility and ended with a pleasant night out for a couple of beers.
She was on a business trip, and we landed at her hotel by the end of the night.
Final Thoughts
There is no one way to open a Tinder conversation with a girl.
Over time, you’ll get a feel for a girl’s personality just by looking at her photos and come up with a solid approach.
In the beginning, it’s better to keep it simple until you’ve got a few scores under your belt.
The keep it simple approach is the best one to take.
If you’re spending too much time crafting a witty opening line, then you’ll more than likely fail.
Women don’t like guys who try hard to get their attention.
They prefer men who play hard to get, just like guys prefer women who do the same.
In the examples above, you’ll notice that I did use the word “dear.”
Whenever I reel in a girl who is 18-20, I tend to take a more delicate approach.
Practice makes perfect.
My entire system is ingrained in my head because I tested, tested, and tested some more.
Feel free to use my lines and approaches to see how they work for you.
Just remember, it’s all about the angle; words only do so much.
Cheers and best of luck.